Where I have been the past 6 months
Hello, my fit foodies (if there are still any left after my very long break from blogging). Anyway…not anymore!! This is my official return to you, and I am pretty dang excited about it, because even though I have been your long lost BFF for the past six months I have still been thinking about you (a lot). I think it would be best if I told you where I have been all this time…Ill try to go in chronological order.
1. I got a Christian Mingle account. After being on said account for 2 whole days, I somehow, by the grace of God himself came across Logan. Literally, it was a God thing. He lived 350 miles away in Michigan and we should have never even crossed paths on this website. On top of that, he tried to cancel his account the week prior (they make it pretty difficult)…So being the modern woman that I am, I came across his profile and not only is he a cutie, but he backs it up with loving God, cooking, and exercising. Can I get an AMEN???? Anyway, we talked about 10823289374 hours over the next few weeks over the phone, texting, and Skype. We met three weeks later, and the rest is history.
2. In between the time we met (it was actually the week after my last ultra marathon) and now he has flipped my world upside down in the best way. Being someone who is very regimented and scheduled and in a routine that is never changing, he changed it. My weekends haven’t been for long runs lately, they have been for going new places, eating new things, meeting new people, and pretty much just living outside of my comfort zone.
3. Fast forward 6 months and we are married, which might sound crazy to some of you, but it was a very easy decision for us. We believe that God gave us each other and it’s as simple as that. Why wait to start living your life with the one you love, just because society deems it appropriate or not. I don’t follow those types of rules. Every single day I wake up and am reminded of God’s love because I wake up next to him. #Blessed
4. Now, I no longer live in KY, I now live in Michigan (I promise I will never lose my accent) with Logan and our two puppies. I am starting a whole new life here, and with that new life comes a new career. Those who know me on a very personal level know that I have always wanted to be my own boss and I have always wanted to make a career out of helping people be healthy. In whatever way they need, whether it is through grocery shopping, meal prepping, personal training, or a little TLC of the mind. I have known for a very long time that this is what I’m on this earth to do. I call it Wellness Consulting. Being an entrepreneur is really empowering and something that is taking a lot of courage and support from those around me. But, when you are passionate about helping people in a certain way, it makes all of your anxiety still and helps you realize your passion is what matters most. I decided a long time ago that I did not want to live an ordinary life, and with that comes taking a big leap and believing in yourself. I know this will be a long journey, and I am going to take it day by day. I know when I am 60 and look back at my life I will be proud of this decision and that I did not settle for a career that wasn't going to allow me to grow to my fullest potential and give away the gift that God gave me. Heck, what is there to be scared of anyway? Failure Smailure!
So, I am asking all of you to help me help the people in your life. I am going to be constantly working on the details of my business and I have already been making connections that I cant wait to share more about! In the mean time, blog posts will be scheduled again and you will be getting recipes and a lot of good reliable content to help you through your health journey.
The Blaine Bun is a comfy pillow for my very tall husband.
With love and new adventures,
P.S. Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this and shares!
P.P.S. I have started official pages for Ms. Fitfood on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest! So go follow and keep up with all of my happenings!