Miss Clarke: Week 26
How I Feel Physically: Per the usual. I have good days and bad days. This week seemed to have more bad days as far as how I felt physically. I had to take more 'breaks' as I like to call them. Meaning, I would get stuff done and then have to sit for a minute to help with rib pain. This is pretty much the cycle that I am living in at this point. It does really make me appreciate the good times though. As I am writing this, I have less than 13 weeks until my due date, so that's exciting!
How I Feel Mentally: Mentally I feel good most of the time. I would literally love being pregnant if I didn't have nerve pain in my ribs 85% of the day. Being tired and having a cute belly makes me happy and I enjoy that part of it. So, there is a give and take. What I am dealing with mentally is just frustration and not being able to do what I want to do. Or feeling like Im not helping enough or feeling kind of lazy sometimes.
Happy Of the Week: There were so many happy things this week! Pregnancy related: I did my glucose test and it went great! I also don't have pregnancy related anemia! All of that news made me really happy! Always good to know that the babe is growing and healthy in there! Also, Logan turned 29 this week! WOOHHOO! We also went on a short family vacation to northern Michigan and it was perfect and beautiful! My dad and little brother had never been to my house in MI before, so that made me happy. Not only that, but where we stayed was absolutely beautiful! If you have never spent any time in Northern Michigan you should totally think about vacationing there! Especially if you enjoy more of an outdoorsy vaca. There are beaches, kayaking, beautiful scenery, and all kinds of quant little shops. We had a really good time and it was really fun to spend time with the fam (even though I really missed Kel and Cami).

CRAVINGS: I think it would be safe to say that I celebrated Logan's birthday with him to the fullest extent and I am going to be detoxing in the week ahead. No more cake or salty foods for a few weeks for this girl. I feel kind of yucky and a little swollen.
Things For Clarke: Well I got some of the cutest things ever this week! I bought her multiple Christmas outfits off of Zulily this week. I gave Logan a cute onsie for Clarke that said dad stuff on it. I also got the CUTEST home made bibs from Andie that have all different kinds of fruit on them. They are literally the most precious things ever. Miranda got me the cutest hat for her to wear in the hospital! Also, mom got an embroidery machine last week, so little miss will be having all of the cute things with her name on it!
Favorite Dinner: TBH I ate a little too much this week. I indulged on Logan's birthday and I did the same thing on vacation. So...I pretty much ate too much for like 5 days in a row...The cakes I made him for his birthday were freaking delicious, I made him new york strip steak with prosciutto wrapped asparagus, and homemade blue cheese mashed potatoes. It was BOMB! Then on vacation...we also ate pretty well. SO....I am a little over the rich food for now and will probably be eating pretty light and healthy for the next week or so.
Workouts: The workouts I got in were great. I just didn't get enough workouts in. I know I should enjoy vacation, but that really not the reason I missed workouts. It was more because I was in so much pain a few days and didn't get them in early enough, so I missed my opportunity. I usually have to workout in the morning time, because that is when I am least likely to be in pain.
Monday: 60 min brisk walk on treadmill
Tuesday: Leg circuit (100 squats, 90 walking lunges, 80 curtsy lunges, 70 mountain climbers, 60 calf raises, 50 gluten bridges, 40 ?, 30 ?, 20 jump squats, 10 burpees with workout class + 20 minute walk with Zoey
Wednesday: OFF/Bad Rib Pain/Packing for vacation/Logan's Birthday
Thursday: OFF/Travel Day/Bad Rib Pain
Friday: 2.5 hours of Kayaking, ended up being a great workout because if you know my family at all, you know that we are competitive. My back and shoulders were sore the next day.
Saturday: 30 min hike with the fam
Sunday: OFF/traveled and cleaned most of the day.
Thoughts of the week: I am really thankful for healthy test results and the fact that baby is growing strong and healthy in there! I am also just happy to spend time with my family and my husband in a beautiful setting and in a place only God could have created! Even though I am dealing with a lot of pain, I have so much to celebrate and I am just taking it day by day!
Weight Gain: Go to the doc in a few hours! I am feeling a little bloated today. I am going to guess anywhere from 17-19 lbs so far.