Baby A Gender Reveal

Any of you who have been reading my blog for a long time knows that I am pretty open about emotion and how certain things make me feel. Well…this past weekend I felt more feeling in my whole body than I even know how to express, so I thought I would share that with you. I am currently 18.5 weeks pregnant and these weeks haven’t been easy, and I’m sure most people go through many of the same things I have gone through. One of the hardest things about being pregnant for me is being away from my big ole family. They don’t see me every day or get to go to doctor’s appointments, so I wanted everyone to be a part of the moment when we find out the gender of the baby. So, Logan and I decided to have an ultra sound at the Baby Belly Spa in Lexington so all of our family could be there and be a part of this journey with us.

I want to take a side bar for a second and see if anyone else goes through the same thing I was going through. Before my ultra sound and pretty much the entire time I have been pregnant, I have been having very weird dreams and most lately nightmares. I have never been one to have many vivid dreams so it is something that has really been affecting my sleep and my mental state at certain times. I think a lot of that anxiety was stemming from the fact that I hadn’t really seen the baby. We had one measly ultrasound when I was 9 weeks, but baby didn’t look much like baby yet and I have been really anxious to see that everything was okay in there. Anyway…back to the program.

We ended up have 20 people in that pretty small room and it was just pure happiness for everyone to be there. I was a little nervous and really excited. When we first started the ultrasound I immediately had tears in my eyes. Just seeing that babies hands and legs and face and heart gave me more relief than I even knew I needed. It just felt so good to know that baby was baking in there. Now, at Baby Belly you have 15 minute appointments. All you are really there to do is find out the sex of the baby. So she took some pictures of the face and different angles of the body and then we started trying to figure out what ‘it’ was. Haha Little babe wouldn’t open its legs (she is a classy girl, even from the womb!!). The technician had me moving from one side to the other, coughing, she even started tapping with the machine to get baby to move. It took about 5 minutes over our allotted time, but we finally found out that ‘it’ was now a SHE! I have had a mothers intuition the whole time I was pregnant, but it was just the most unbelievable feeling to hear it being said out loud. I was now a mother to a little girl. In 15 minutes time every single bit of anxiety I had was gone. I knew my baby was growing, and it would finally be named. If im going to be honest, it didn’t really matter what that baby was after I saw its legs and face. I just felt so proud in that moment and so protective over this little soul that I get to grow. Logan and I had already decided on our baby girl name (don’t even get me started on how far away we were from a boy name haha), which is Clarke Delane Astrike. We both loved Clarke from the beginning, it isn’t a family name or anything, but it has some symbolism for us, we also just like strong names and just feels right. Delane is my sister Bailey’s middle name, and Clarke is due on her Birthday. Not only that, but as we all know Bailey is just special and it felt important to name my girl after my girl.

It has now been 4 days after the ultrasound and 4 days of being Clarke’s momma. Im not going to lie, I touch my stomach all the time, I try to think happy thoughts to her and love on her as much as I can before I even get to hold her. It still blows my mind how much this has already changed me. In just 4 days.  It has made my days brighter and given me a whole new happiness. I’m almost ½ way to meeting her, but for now I just want her to stay in my belly and grow and bake until she is perfect and complete.


With love


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